In Case You Missed It

Time is flying, isn't it?

I feel like blog reading is slowing down all around.  Maybe if you were a daily reader (of whatever, whoever's blog), maybe now you miss once or twice a week.  If you were a weekly reader, you may have dwindled to twice a month.  I feel this in my own reading: my ritual used to be to eat lunch at my desk and catch up on all the great content out there (and see what my blog friends were up to), but more and more, work has me on the road and I miss days here and there.  I like to catch up, though.  Since this blog is still mostly daily, I thought I would do a little Best Of at the end of the month, in case you missed some great posts.

Let me know what you think?

In February, I finally shared my secrets for hanging a massive art wall.

I let you in on the process of planning a giant piece of art to hide my TV.

I banished the "temporary" with some new bamboo blinds (from a great, cheap source!)

A new plan for my girls' room led to selling these.  (Still available if you are interested, email me!).

And I rounded up a ton of merchandise in sunny, summery yellow, as well as the woven leather seating I seem to be craving these days.

We did a lot of organizing work this weekend, coming to terms with how we really live, and trying to plan our storage accordingly.  I took a lot of pictures, too, and can't wait to share ideas here all week long.

I hope you'll join me!


P.S.  The spam comments have gotten completely out of control!  Have you noticed?  I'm sorry to say you will now need to prove you are not a robot to post a comment.  Please don't let it slow you down!